Friday, October 20, 2006

Islam and Christianity

Where Islam and Christianity agree By Kelland Ingram
St. Helena Star Thursday, October 19, 2006 7:59 AM PDT
Muslims and Christians are alike in one big way. In fact, what divides Muslims and Christians is a point on which they readily agree! Islam and Christianity will never join in one big tent because both emphatically hold to an important truth. They share a belief that is increasingly challenged in the world today. Their common ground is that truth about God exists and can be known...
Now about that common ground between Islam and Christianity: Both believe that truth about God can be known. Both believe that God has revealed Himself in words that can be understood. Both believe that truth about God can be communicated from one person to another. Both believe that the revelation in which they trust is the measure of other ideas and statements about God. It is because of this common understanding that Islam and Christianity will never be on the same page. Both believe in absolute truth about God, but they disagree as to what constitutes that truth.
Sure there are Muslims and Christians who see very little difference between the two religions. This idea is possible if one ignores the founding words of each or explains them away by round-about interpretations. The two religions are harmonized by violating the obvious intent of the Koran and the Bible. Short of departure from the clear meaning of these books, no one would conclude that the two religions are the same thing spoken in different ways.

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