Monday, March 12, 2007

Other claims to priority have been put forth for China and South Asia

Peter J. Lu of Harvard University noticed the intricate geometric patterns, known as girih, used in Islamic architecture while traveling through Uzbekistan. Back home, he searched through photographs for evidence of quasicrystal (aperiodic) patterns in Islamic decorations and came across images of the Darb-i Imam shrine in Iran, built in 1453. What he found was evidence of Penrose tilings some 500 years before they were studied by Roger Penrose in the West.
Of course, this is hardly the first time that priority in mathematical developments has been contested. Debate has raged for decades concerning the contributions of Mesopotamia and Egypt to Greek mathematics; a debate fueled, in part, by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who asserted in his History that geometry was invented in Egypt and that basic geometric knowledge was passed to Greek visitors. Herodotus’ assertion has often been pointed to in claims that later Europeans have denigrated, and even concealed, the accomplishments of non-Europeans.
As historical research on mathematics has improved, other claims to priority have been put forth for China and South Asia. Among the most interesting stories concerns the Indian mathematical school in Kerala, along the Malabar Coast. This region has been associated with the spice trade for thousands of years. Vasco da Gama arrived in India in 1498, and European traders were soon accompanied by Jesuits (after the order’s formation in 1540) intent on exchanging scientific knowledge—in particular, knowledge about navigation and how to reform the increasingly inaccurate Julian calendar. Among the most famous visitors was Matteo Ricci, an Italian Jesuit missionary instructed in astronomy and mathematics, who is best known for his 30-year sojourn in China.
Less well known are the events of his two-year stay in Cochin, Kerala. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the mathematical discoveries of the school of Madhava in Kerala, such as infinite series (hundreds of years before Europeans would even consider infinity) for trigonometric functions, may have been transmitted through Jesuit reports, which were disseminated throughout Europe. Some Indian scholars go further, claiming that the calculus was actually discovered in India and that the priority dispute between Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz is therefore moot. While the latter is stretching the evidence pretty thin (see, for example, Indian Mathematics: Redressing the balance), it is true that people everywhere throughout recorded time have pursued and contributed to mathematics, the truly universal language. Britannica Blog

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