Sunday, February 14, 2016

Multiple rootedness of management discipline

Can the b-school be conceived as an appropriate site for contestation of existential dilemmas... better than other traditional disciplines... instrumentality vs. in-it-selfness; determinism vs. freewill; contextuality vs. universalistic; the self vs. the other; competition vs. cooperation; contingent theory vs. axiomatic theory; rational vs. interpretivistic; i think the multiple rootedness of management discipline - which may be seen as rootlessness too - is the strength of management theory. show less

Not a joke. Try this powertip when you attend interviews: imagine how your interviewers looked like when they were kids and replace their current faces with their childhood faces. See the innocence of their childlikeness trying to seep… 

Of all my Linkedin posts - this has attracted eyeballs the most - may be it has to do with "how-to" and MBA BS as they both sell!
Venkataraman Ramachandran on LinkedIn
I graduated out of an ordinary B-School in the year 2011. When you are a
Internet has diffused value through networked effects.
Special thanks to Sanjay Radhakrishnan for fascinating conversations on design thinking which led me think deeply about the process. Do share your comments and feedback. Would love to hear your thoughts. And, of course, feel free to connect via Twitter.

Rawest forms of human exchange 
The point is we do not understand what Competition really means. For most Competition is still the zero-sum games that we all play under inadequate supply conditions, like those we experience with the great Indian train journey. The scramble for body space, leg space and luggage space all define competition for us. It is such rawest forms of human exchange that condition our idea of Competition. And we seem to have difficulty in coming out of this mindset.

The train journey manoeuvres cannot be dismissed as instinctual, unpremeditated animal action. It appears that everyone thinks he or she is being “strategic” -- making complicated calculations to appropriate maximum space, beating the slant of the sun, or making clever manoeuvres to detrain most efficiently. Behind these competitive dynamics with the “other” individual(s), lurks an investment of human intelligence no animal can match. In a supply-choked society, tactical thinking passes for strategic thinking. Business Today, August 15, 2004 posted by Sankaran at Sunday, February 26, 2006 TAPMI, Manipal, Karnataka, India Posted at 5:37 PM

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